

The osteolabs CIM biomarker enables the measurement of changes in bone density and thus allows the early risk assesment of metabolic bone diseases and accompanying therapeutic diagnostics.



The osteolabs CIM biomarker can be used to measure parameters that have prognostic or diagnostic significance and can be used as indicators for metabolic bone diseases.



Previous fields of research include osteoporosis, renal osteodystrophy and bone metastasizing prostate cancer.

Originated from coral research

osteolabs GmbH is a spin-off from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel. This is where the idea was born to use trace elements in the human body to identify previously impossible disorders in the bone-calcium balance at an early stage and also to make therapeutic success measurable.


Joint press conference on calcium loss, sport and fatigue fractures

Calcium, the most important element for bone and muscle health, is the focus of a current study by the German Sport University Cologne. As part of the study, a new innovative and non-invasive biochemical procedure was tested to detect calcium loss in young football players at an early stage. The test was applied to 38 male footballers before and after intensive training in order to obtain information on the individual calcium loss of each player during training.


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