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Open vacancies

Our team has a common mission: to detect osteoporosis early and enable successful treatment. At osteolabs you can expect a renowned and dynamic team of researchers, physicians, laboratory managers, entrepreneurs as well as technical and financial experts.

We combine our knowledge and experience in biology, medicine, physics, chemistry, medical technology and business administration. In this way, we want to help a globally unique diagnostic procedure to succeed and contribute to combating one of the most widespread diseases.

osteolabs GmbH is a young high-tech company in the life science sector based in Kiel and Marlow near London. With our OsteoTest, we are the market leader in osteoporosis self-diagnostics and continue to expand internationally. We are looking for the next possible date for our location in Kiel a:



  • Prospective physicists, chemists, medical technicians etc. from the 4th semester onwards
  • 4-6 months internship duration
  • Laboratory experience if required
  • analytical skills
  • High ability to concentrate
  • quick comprehension

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